Ideas for Art Show

Posted by Cambodia on 2:00 PM
These ideas are in not particular order

1. What do you Need
Audience members can select from several options such as patience, love, hope, motivation, confidence. Once the audience member has made their selection a program will display a collage of images, sounds, and quotes relating to the subject matter. 

2. What do you want to give
This is the reverse of the first piece in that audience members can select what they want to give to others in life. First they will select from options such as patience, love, hope, motivation, confidence. From within this option they can select five various actions that embody this. An example of this for "love"would be selecting: cooking, hug, cleaning, accompanying on an errand, and massage. Once they are done selecting five actions from the options they can indicate they are finished, then the program will create a visual collage of images associated with these actions. Giving the audience member an illustration of how to give into the world what they want to. 

3. Emotional Barometer
Audience members can take a picture of themselves on a webcam with a facial expression that best embodies their current emotion. After taking this picture the program will ask them to select an option for how they feel (sad, happy, angry, bored, etc). The program will then combine these photos and project the images onto the wall. However, the hue it is projected in (red, blue, green) will be decided based on calculating the predominate mood from the answers selected. Example: if for some reason the answer is angry all those pictures will be red, if the answer is happy the color all those pictures will be yellow, and so on. The most powerful emotion will be the one shows up the most, literally projecting the mood of the room. 

4. Less personal emotional Barometer 
The program will ask them to select an option for how they feel (sad, happy, angry, bored, etc). As before a color will be associated with each emotional state. Based on the highest answer the are will be cast, by a projector, in that light


Artist Statement

Posted by Cambodia on 11:07 AM
Cambell Boucher is an artist, focusing on interactive designs and history. Her latest piece, "Create a Masterpiece" is centered on the idea of logarithmic art (in the form of projected instructions to follow). This piece, like the majority of pieces is focused on expanding the experiences of her audience members through interaction. Cambell is looking to combine momentous points in the collective human experience bringing that experience into the present with active participation. She sees this as a means to honor the past and incorporate it as part of contemporary life.


Project Ideas

Posted by Cambodia on 10:41 AM
Time travel

This project is to explore the melding of imagination, wishful thinking, and projected images. The premise would take up an entire room. Where in audience members enter through in a staggered fashion. The environment would be immersive, before the audience member enters they can pick a favorite era of history or event. Once they enter the room they would find themselves in a projected environment that shows what it was like to be a part of this moment. It won't be interactive, as the purpose is to be washed in the moment rather than take part in it.

This project is a slightly different take on Time Travel. Rather than hurdling into the past audience members can choose a restbit from reality. There will be one chair in the center of the room where one can rest and relax. After they are settled into the chair a chosen environment from a few options will surround them. Sounds and scenery will appear and the audience member can decompress.

Create a Masterpiece
All these projects focus on projected reality and experience. Instead of focusing on surroundings I would like to focus on an activity. The inspiration for this comes from those projected pumpkin carving kits one can find around halloween. A program would find the main lines and general colors in a piece of art. It would then project them in stages onto butchers paper. The outline would come first, then the color, then perhaps some smaller details such as texture. An audience member could then take part in creating art by choosing one of the pieces and recreating it. Each piece would be unique because of the hand that creates it, but uniform. The final installation would include a video montage of the various works that were created.


Fast Cars meets Bob Marley

Posted by Cambodia on 10:02 PM
My project too a Bob Marley quote I love and put it to the song Fast Car by Tracy Chapman. The Nouns are made larger and red to emphasize them, the adjectives are made pink to show how they correspond. The idea was to make the poem appear like the text scroll in Star Wars. The movement proved beyond my coding skills, but I was able to add in random star points that twinkle in the background.

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