Kandinsky: Sketch for Impression 3
Posted by Cambodia
10:48 PM
Sketch for Impression 3 drew my attention immediately. The work captured the enthusiastic mood of a party while reducing the affair down to bare necessities. Sketch for Impression 3 is a chalk drawing down by Kandinsky (in many ways the father of abstract art) in representational style. He made the piece to capture the experience of attending Arnold Schoenberg's Munich concert January 1911. Here the concert is reduced to minimum outlines, enough to document what was there.
I like that there is a bare minimum of detail, leaving one to imagine the rest of the detail. For me Sketch for Impression 3 acts as mental scaffolding for my mind to build on. Every time I look at it I add more detail, the color of dress, what type of chandelier is hanging, the intimate lighting.
Clearly Kandinsky's work succeeds in carrying across what it was to be at Schoenberg's Munich concert over a century ago. It presents ideas about a heterosexually dominated culture, where in those dancing together were only men and women. It seems to show them deeply entranced with one another, by the tilt of their had and body postures. Before experiencing this piece I had a more is better view of artwork. The more detail, the more impressive something was. However I've really enjoyed how my mind has been free to fill in the details.
My interpretation of Kandinsky's work next to his
I like that there is a bare minimum of detail, leaving one to imagine the rest of the detail. For me Sketch for Impression 3 acts as mental scaffolding for my mind to build on. Every time I look at it I add more detail, the color of dress, what type of chandelier is hanging, the intimate lighting.
Clearly Kandinsky's work succeeds in carrying across what it was to be at Schoenberg's Munich concert over a century ago. It presents ideas about a heterosexually dominated culture, where in those dancing together were only men and women. It seems to show them deeply entranced with one another, by the tilt of their had and body postures. Before experiencing this piece I had a more is better view of artwork. The more detail, the more impressive something was. However I've really enjoyed how my mind has been free to fill in the details.
My interpretation of Kandinsky's work next to his
int width=600;
int height=400;
void setup() {
size(width, height);
void draw () {
background(200, 183, 156);
vertex (60, 0);
vertex (200, 150);
vertex (520, 0);
fill (200, 183, 156);
// floor
//left side
vertex (0, 380);
//center corner
vertex (200, 300);
//right side
vertex (570, 390);
line(200, 150, 200, 300);
//ligthing chord
line (270, 0, 270, 140);
//chandelier top
bezier(205, 160, 260, 130, 280, 130, 335, 160);
//light 1, starting point same as bezier for top arche
bezier(210, 160, 212, 170, 219, 170, 216, 160);
//light 2, starting point same as bezier for top arche
bezier(218, 164, 222, 174, 226, 174, 223, 164);
//light 3, starting point same as bezier for top arche
bezier(220, 155, 225, 170, 230, 170, 235, 155);
//light last, starting point same as bezier for top arche
bezier(320, 155, 325, 170, 330, 170, 335, 155);
bezier(280, 155, 290, 170, 290, 170, 300, 155);
bezier(270, 155, 280, 170, 280, 170, 284, 155);
bezier(250, 155, 260, 170, 264, 170, 270, 155);
//piano hood
//left top corner
vertex (250, 190);
//top right corner
vertex (280, 190);
vertex (370, 320);
vertex (290, 300);
vertex (250, 190);
fill (0);
//piano body
ellipse (342, 328, 70, 34);
vertex(344, 300);
vertex (320,342);
vertex (237,320);
vertex (237,300);
ellipse (310, 343, 12, 12);
ellipse (250, 328, 12, 12);
//man in fron of piano
vertex (367, 270);
vertex (350, 290);
vertex (360, 370);
fill (200, 183, 156);
bezier (367, 270, 395, 250, 360, 250, 360, 275);
fill (200, 183, 156);
bezier(335,270, 327,280, 350,300, 350, 380);
//woman's head
bezier(335,270, 320,250,360,245, 340,270);
bezier (340,255, 358,245,350,230,340,230);
//main woman
bezier (220,270, 210,290, 210, 300, 200,350);
bezier (200,350,220,370,230,330,232,350);
bezier(232,350, 216,340,216, 320, 220, 270);
bezier (216, 270, 220, 266, 222, 258, 234, 254);
ellipse (220, 270, 10, 17);
//main man
bezier(190, 270, 180, 290, 180, 300, 200, 370);
bezier(190, 300, 175, 320, 175, 340, 170, 374);
bezier (180, 290, 190, 300, 192, 310, 220, 306);
fill(200, 183, 156);
ellipse (190, 270, 10, 16);
bezier (30, 270,20, 300, 20, 340, 30, 370);
vertex(30, 320);
vertex(60, 340);
vertex(55, 350);
vertex (30, 350);
line(50, 350, 50, 370);
line(60, 340, 60, 370);
//woman there
//piano player head
fill(200, 183, 156);
ellipse (255, 280, 12, 15);
//piano player
vertex(260, 290);
vertex(235, 310);
vertex(255, 310);
line (255, 310, 270, 290);